Wednesday, 22 February 2012

I'm back

Well I stepped foot back in England on Sunday, and managed to bring a 24 hour bug back with me, but I'm almost completely over that.

Had an amazing time in Ireland, stayed with family friends or as they call us /family, because our families have known each other since around the seventies, and we've never managed to get rid of each other ;) and while we were there we even had time to share some embarrassing family stories, such as the time my mum and "aunt" hid under a table the entire time of a party, or the fact that when a "uncle" was lodging with us in London, he became traumatized by Bananas in Pyjamas and I insisted a toy he bought me looked exactly like him but it was a ginger version. (I was three years old)

So yeah I'll most probably post more about Ireland, as it is like a second home and there is always great craic.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

I could not think of one good title as my brain is mush!!!

Well haven't been able to update much, but so far I have a conditional offer at the University I want to go to, to do film and theatre design, and I still have tons of work and it snowed!!!!!

Anyway I'm off to beautiful Ireland for a week to spend some time with friends and take photos :D which should be fun but I'm gonna miss this weeks Sons of Anarchy :(  (The UK is on the fifth episode I think) so I will have to wait another week to watch it when I get back home.

So yeah there really wasn't any point to this just to let you know whats happening and that I am in fact alive

Bye for now